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Style = Confidence
Calgary, Alberta


Ensemble Style is a Calgary fashion stylist stylists personal shopper shoppers and wardrobe consultant consultants. Menswear styling and closet edits. Custom suiting for men. Made-to-measure suiting




The Full Package

The full package is a personal styling package that goes above and beyond clothing. We will put together a seasonal wardrobe customized for you to ensure you are stylish and dressed for success. 

The Full Package


This is for the individual in need of a complete style overhaul. The package includes a wardrobe assessment, clothing pulled specifically for you (we do the shopping and bring everything to you), a look-book for inspiration and of course, moral support.

Out with the old, in with the new (and sexy). We have also teamed up with the best barbers in the city, if you so choose. 

Contact to set up a free consultation or use the button below to easily book a time that works for you.

Ensemble Style - Calgary 2018 - All Rights Reserved