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Style = Confidence
Calgary, Alberta


Ensemble Style is a Calgary fashion stylist stylists personal shopper shoppers and wardrobe consultant consultants. Menswear styling and closet edits. Custom suiting for men. Made-to-measure suiting




Pricing Information

Pricing Information

The Full Package

Full Packages begin at $900.00 and include a consultation, closet edit, full shop, returns/exchanges if necessary, a fitting and a look-book for inspiration. Tailoring will be additional should you need it.


ensemble style calgary

After the complimentary initial consultation, styling, closet editing and shopping is $95/hour at a minimum of two hours should you decide not to purchase one of our packages. 

The closet edit

Closet edits can be purchased by the hour or as a package on their own. If purchased as a package, the closet edit will include a full analysis of each item in your wardrobe, we will decide what stays and what goes, and your stylist will help you with taking in donations or consignment items. It will also include the coordination of all alterations, and a list of suggested items to purchase (if necessary) that will tie everything together and complete your wardrobe.

Complete closet edits start at $300.

The Quarterly Review

The Quarterly review is a year-long, seasonal commitment to each other to ultimately increase confidence through a complete style overhaul. By the end of the year, you will know how to dress for each season, you will be more confident and you will be well on your way to achieving those big, BIG goals. Each season will include a look-book & you will decide your budget.

Quarterly Review packages are $1,500.00.


ENSEMBLE Style calgary

The Full Package and Quarterly Review include a look-book in the price of the package. If you would like to purchase a look-book as an add-on to another package or an hourly service, there is a $95.00 additional charge.

Ensemble Style - Calgary 2018 - All Rights Reserved