Spring Style Inspiration
Lauren Larsen
Winter has come and gone and it is time to embrace lighter denim and chinos. Although we 100% agree with continuing to wear your dark wash jeans through spring and summer (if the occasion calls for it), we think that lighter denim, twill and chino serve to break up the dark winter clothing streak quite nicely.
Our favourite casual look is light khaki or grey chinos with loafers or trainers. The loafers can be casual or fancy but ensure you are sans socks. For the top, pairing chinos with a pull-over light knit sweater or a button-down oxford is the way to go. A t-shirt can be worn as well but ensure it fits well to avoid looking like a schoolboy.
See below for an example of chinos paired with trainers and a knit pull-over.
For jeans, we have mentioned it before and we will mention it again, Levis rock. Not only are they inexpensive, they have a classic look and are not going draw attention (in a bad way). As per our jeans post, wear good jeans and you’ll notice the man, wear bad jeans and you’ll notice the jeans. Our goal is for your jeans to be subtle enough to look good.
For the summer, we recommend adding some lighter colour denim to your wardrobe. Our favourites are light grey, light brown and light blue. Jeans can be paired with pullover sweaters, t-shirts, button-down shirts, loafers, lace-ups, trainers, essentially anything you can imagine! Just ensure if you are going grey on the bottom you are not going grey on the top – this rule does not apply to denim – we are Canadian after all ;).
For the office, we are a BIG fan of light grey suits for the spring and summer seasons. Pair your grey suit with a white shirt (cutaway collars are great), blue tie, brown shoes and some vintage inspired accessories and you'll be the best dressed man in YYC.
If you have any questions on how to put any of the above looks together, contact us!
- Ensemble Style - Calgary