5 Things You Can Learn From Harvey Specter
Lauren Larsen
Those of us who have allowed ourselves to indulge in the infamous T.V. show Suits undoubtedly understand the power of Harvey Specter. Not only does this man negotiate like a champ, he is probably one of the sexiest men on television.
I've spent some time pondering why both males and females alike are swooning over Harvey Specter (guys, don't deny that you have a man crush on him too), and have for you my list of 5 reasons why I think he is admired.
1) He is confident.
If you know you're good, own it! Confidence (not to be confused with cockiness) can increase a person's (man or woman) attractiveness 10-fold. If you act like a pro, soon enough, people will start to believe it, and soon enough, you’ll be one.
2) He is loyal.
No matter what kind of trouble Mike gets into, Harvey always has his back. Loyalty is a respectable and admired personality trait and one of the most attractive, from a woman's perspective.
“If anyone comes at you with any threat at all, you come to me. I don’t care if it is the Queen of England, you come to me. You tell me. You tell me everything. That’s what goddamn loyalty is.”
3) He wears perfectly tailored suits and has perfect hair.
Appearances are very important. The first thing people notice when meeting you for the first time is the way you look. Many may overlook this little detail; however, your appearance is crucial to your success. This is so because the way you present yourself has a direct correlation to the way people perceive you. The goal is to ensure people are taking you seriously from the moment they meet you to the moment they sign the deal, whatever that deal may be.
“First impressions last. If you start behind the eight-ball, you’ll never get in front of it”
4) He takes risks.
Taking risks is essential if you want to achieve success. Playing it safe will ensure you never stand out, never achieve anything spectacular, and inevitably live a life of mediocrity.
5) He goes after what he wants.
This one goes hand-in-hand with taking risks and being confident. If you want something and you want it bad enough, nothing should be stopping you from going after it. You may fail, you may win, big. Decide what you want and don't stop until you get it!
There you have it. Learn and live these 5 things and you too can have Harvey Specter swag!