2015 marks the death of the 'going out' shirt.
Lauren Larsen
Happy 2015!!
I couldn't be more excited for this year. Although the snow is falling, the roads are full of traffic and we've been living in sub-zero temperatures for far too long (cue chinook), there is just something magical about 2015, I can feel it in the air!
I know many of you have been setting and/or contemplating new years resolutions (perhaps some have already fallen off that wagon), and while some of you are still in that 'be a better man' mindset, allow me to make a suggestion. Let's all make a unified effort to make 2015 the year the 'going out' shirt leaves our closets, forever.
If you're wondering what exactly a 'going out' shirt is, let me explain.
A 'going out' shirt, as coined by GQ, is a thigh-length swath of cotton, collar pointed outward like airplane wings, with sleeves rolled up and flared out like a Musketeer's. It is the bro's uniform whenever he goes to clubs, bars, house parties, or—god help me—dates. It is always worn untucked with jeans (boot cut, of course), and is considered the "dressed up" alternative to a T-shirt or polo. Whether gingham or striped, rumpled from the hamper or neurotically over-starched, it is, in short, an abomination.
Essentially, if you're going to rock this look, you're voluntarily putting yourself in the 'not-so-desirable' category (to say it nicely).
Here is a classic photo of what most 'going out' shirts look like in Calgary.
BUT, this is really, really easy to avoid. All you have to do is go into your closet, pull out all of your 'going out' shirts, and place them in the GoodWill bin. If you don't know which ones need to stay and which need to go, just ask!
Rule of thumb: just because you are wearing a collar, it does not make you dressed up.
Spot the going out shirts... I can count at least 10.
Now, please don't get me wrong here, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a collared shirt to go out. Actually, in most cases it is preferred. However, please keep it classy, ensure it fits well and please, please don't pair it with white-stiched, chemically distressed, bootcut denim. Choose a fabric that goes well with your ensemble, have it tailored if need be and pair it with a nice jacket. And while we're at it, let's also say goodbye to the 'going out' shirt's cousin, white-stitched denim. plzandthx.
I am open to any and all comments and questions. Leave em below or drop me a line!
- Ensemble Style